Posted in Family, Marriage

Seven years! 

Seven years married.

11 years of togetherness.

Three addresses.

Two pups.

Two babes.

Countless loss.

Many blessings.

Seven whole years!!

Just like all of the material things we’ve collected over the years, so too has our marriage collected baggage.

The good, the bad, the ugly.



The times we thought about leaving, but didn’t.

Seven years of waking up with a (mostly) greatful heart.

Seven years of occasional nights in separate beds.

Arguments that settled easily.
Arguments that temporarily broke us.

Marriage is freakin’ tough!

But we overcame adversity.

We ignored temptations.

In a world where we obsess over divorce rates and trading up for bigger, better, brighter. We live obliviously in our own humble togetherness.

I’m in love with us!

In our perfectly imperfect.



Consciously coupled.

Where struggles make us stronger, And heartbreak makes us fight harder.

Seven trying years!

Seven happy years!!

You are my better half!

I don’t mean that in the sarcastic tone of modern day translation… but in the way it was first written by the Roman poet, Horace, who wrote that to be a better half meant that you are more than one half of me. – “Half of my soul”

Thank you for always understanding the intention of our vows.

Thank you for being my reason to change, grow, and adapt.

Thank you for always understanding that marriage is hard and diving into the tough stuff head first instead of running away.

I’m thankful that seven years ago the aisle had you at the end!

I’m glad I never stopped walking toward you since then!

Happy Anniversary to half of my Soul!
